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About the Young Professionals Advisory Board

The Young Professionals Advisory Board of the NBCS (“YPAB”) was created to assist in the advancement of the NBCS.  The NBCS is governed by the Board of Trustees (“Board”), who are responsible for the NBCS’s goals, objectives, annual budget, curriculum, and the overall management of the school. The YPAB will support the Board in its fundraising efforts and accomplishing the School’s mission. 

The YPAB is also a great way for young professionals, of various occupations, to network and build relationships.  By working together to organize events, fundraise and volunteer at the NBCS, members of the YPAB will develop and cultivate relationships with each other, the Board, the school and the students.

By contributing occupational expertise, the YPAB will bridge the professional and business acumen of the Board with the zeal and enthusiasm of the students.

Our Mission

The YPAB is a collection of individuals charged with coming together to support and further the mission of the NBCS.  In this role,  the YPAB advises and makes recommendations to NBCS Board with respect to volunteer efforts, event coordination and fundraising campaigns, to include, but not be limited to:

  • An annual sponsorship event hosted by the Committee, and

  • Establishment of a mentorship program with the NBCS.               

The Committee shall also handle other matters as may be requested by the Board.

YPAB Membership

Jerome Kearns--Chair   Sidecar Health

Arielle Adler Lowenstein Sandler LLP

Joshua Conyers  Independent Opera Singer

Rasheeda Davis  Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield

Carlo Fioranelli Essex County Prosecutor’s Office

Christopher Kearns Jersey City Office of Public Safety

Daniel McGrady Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield

Jason McNish Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield

Zaara Nazir White and Williams LLP

Jenifer Scarcella White and Williams LLP

Evan Yablonsky  Bressler, Emory and Ross

Interested in Joining the YPAB

The YPAB Members are appointed by the Board at its Annual Meeting based on the recommendation of the Chairperson.  Terms are for one year, and members must be willing to dedicate time to support the NBCS. All participation is strictly voluntary, and every Member does so in a personal capacity; without representing the views or beliefs of any entity. 


The YPAB shall hold meetings at least three times a year, and in January of each year a schedule will be distributed to all members. 


For more information, please contact:

Dr. Ansley W. LaMar, Head of School

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