Salim Green Instrumental in Instagram Launch
Salim Green Instrumental in NBCS Instagram Launch

In January I was introduced to Salim Green when he came to visit Newark Boys Chorus School with ideas of developing an Instagram presence for the school. Salim immediately felt the energy of our students and envisioned a meaningful platform for NBCS utilizing his skills, contacts, and those of his partners in their company, 18. Salim says, “Working with NBCS has turned out to be one of the most remarkable projects I’ve ever been pulled in to. Hands down.”
As Head of School, I am so very grateful for the expertise and new energy Salim and his partners at 18 have brought to us. At a time when we need new vision for our social media presence, I believe this Instagram platform points us forward in vital ways.
Newark Boys Chorus School is Newark’s National Treasure serving at-risk boys in grades 3-8 who pay no tuition to attend our school. NBCS is the only urban-based boys chorus school in the US and boasts an international reputation for musical and academic excellence. The 50-year history of our school has placed it front and center in the cultural fabric of Newark, and dignitaries throughout the US have pointed to NBCS as a beacon for urban education.
As you might expect, the school was hit hard by COVID-19. As did all schools in New Jersey, NBCS has closed its doors to protect the students and faculty. All instruction is now being delivered remotely online. This will be the school’s last year at 1016 Broad Street as the building was sold in an effort to ensure NBCS would remain tuition free to all students. The early closure has also made fundraising increasingly more difficult. The school is adapting, as we all are, but now more than ever, its digital presence is highly important.
I am honored to have Salim Green working with us at NBCS. He is a new friend with a powerful spirit for innovation that he has focused on our beautiful school. Please consider staying connected and sharing this new platform with all of your contacts. It’s THAT important!
Take care and stay safe!
Paul Chapin, Head of School