Lawyers Leading the Way—2019
Commissioner Marlene Caride
Student James Felton
February 28, 2019. Over 150 Greater Newark area attorneys joined the Newark Boys Chorus School to celebrate the Ninth Annual Lawyers Leading the Way program at the Robert Treat Hotel in downtown Newark this morning. “It was great fun to network with colleagues and to hear the boys sing,” commented Robert White of White & Williams. “My first time attending this event, a wonderful experience,” concluded Louis Diaz.
When Evan Yablonsky of Bressler, Amery & Ross introduced our student speaker, James Felton, everyone was concerned that James would not be able to live up to his introduction, but he did; he exceeded it. With his charm, his singing and his speech about being transformed from a small boy when he entered NBCS to the Super Hero he has become thanks to the world-class education he has received at the school, James totally captivated the audience.
Linda Willett’s remarks about the versatility, commitment and role model of the keynote speaker, the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance Commissioner Marlene Caride set the stage for the Commissioner’s comments about public service, giving back to the community and supporting organizations like the Newark Boys Chorus School.
As usual the Concert Choir under the direction of Donald Morris continued its tradition of thrilling audiences wherever they perform. This morning was no exception!
Jason McNish, Assistant General Counsel Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield concluded the program by thanking the audience and congratulating them for making the 2019 Lawyers Leading the Way program the most successful ever by raising over 15% of the school’s operating budget.
Thanks to everyone who supported the Newark Boys Chorus School!

James with his parents enjoying the remainder of the program.

The performance begins!

Jason McNish concludes the program