Accreditation Conferred

Achieving recognition as a premier independent school through both the New Jersey Association of Independent Schools (NJAIS) and the Middle States Association of Schools provides the Newark Boys Chorus School with a competitive advantage.
This summer the school received a letter from Carole Everett, Executive Director of NJAIS stating in part:
“Newark Boys Chorus chose the NJAIS Self-Study protocol for a cooperative accreditation with the Middle States Association. The school embraced the accreditation process with a seriousness of purpose and completed a comprehensive Self-Study for the decennial team visit conducted in May, 2018.
It is with pleasure that I write this letter informing you the NJAIS Board of Trustees, in accordance with the recommendation of the NJAIS Accreditation Committee, voted to grant provisional accreditation with monitoring to Newark Boys Chorus School. The school is commended for sustaining a long-standing mission statement that the entire school community embraces, committing to a funding model that strives to make the school affordable and accessible to current and future students, a Board of Trustees that supports the philanthropic necessities of the school, and a highly dedicated faculty and staff.”
The letter went on to highlight three areas of concern: the admissions process; the school’s finances and the head of school search process. The school also needs to commit to monthly fire and emergency drills. These areas have already been addressed; progress will be shared with the NJAIS officials when they visit the school on October 29th.
Although the entire school community dedicated themselves to the accreditation process its success also depended on the significant financial support from the Horizon Foundation of New Jersey and the Turrell Fund.