Brotherhood While Remote: An NBCS Solution!
Brotherhood While Remote: An NBCS Solution!

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In a school year unlike any we have experienced, the NBCS staff and students are looking forward to some exciting and innovative final weeks. Since mid-March, teaching and learning has been conducted remotely through Google Classroom. Students and teachers have worked through the technical and emotional realities of online learning. But missing from these experiences has been the sense of togetherness, so vital to the NBCS experience. Brotherhood is traditionally at the core of our work as we sing, play, and learn, but the realities of Coronavirus made this very difficult.

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Exciting plans for the final two weeks of school are in the works for our NBCS students. All will engage in fun, online activities designed to bring togetherness and brotherhood back to the center of our days. Even remotely!

Teachers have designed online activities including board games, Lego contests, scavenger hunts, and whole school meetings to gather our students around supporting each other’s happiness and belonging. There are even Family Night plans for movies, aerobic workouts, and a Talent Show where we hope to engage parents and siblings in the fun.
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These last two weeks give all of our NBCS students opportunities to celebrate their work, complete past assignments, and create important memories around the brotherhood within our school. In difficult times it is especially important to connect with those we enjoy and love as we gather around our common goal to support the growth of our young men.

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Bravo to you all and enjoy!