NBCS Annual Appeal 2022
Dear Friends, Parents, and Alumni,
It is a thrilling time for NBCS as we welcome in the holidays and take stock of the progress we have made this year. Relocation of the school to The Marion Bolden Center has given NBCS a beautiful and appropriate space in which to rehearse, grow, and perform. This month’s Grand Opening Celebration was met with awe as friends and donors marveled at the beautifully renovated facility. The new neighborhood also allows NBCS to recruit students from just ‘down the block’ and they are coming!
Newark Boys Chorus School is a place like none other. As the only urban-based, independent boys chorus school in America, we continue to provide powerful experiences through which our young men grow in knowledge, musicianship, and character. Our school stands firm upon its mission to develop civic responsibility, and to inspire a love for learning, a quest for excellence, and compassion for humanity. And our students attend tuition-free!
In-person presentations are once again part of the season for our Concert Chorus as they visited audiences in New York, Princeton, here in Newark, and concluded last school year with a concert tour of Hawaii and Los Angeles. Holiday concerts this year include visiting with long-time friends as well as corporate events that encourage new friends to connect with the school.
Newark Boys Chorus School still has much to accomplish in this city and throughout the world. As ambassadors, we are helping communities learn of our outstanding work here in Newark. As artists, we are pushing boundaries of urban culture and awareness. As educators, we are teaching the world about beautiful music, and as responsible citizens, our young men are making this community stronger through their presence. NBCS is a beacon of light for equity and social change. Our students are the future decision-makers in this community, and together we support their growth and influence.
I write to you today asking for your help. Please take this occasion to focus your charitable giving to the Newark Boys Chorus School. Every dollar matters and every donation leads to new opportunities for our students to thrive. Gifts can be mailed directly to the school or made online through our website. I am available to answer questions and I encourage each of you to spread the word about NBCS and our needs.
Thank you in advance for your support and please accept our best wishes for good health and peace from the entire NBCS family!
Thank you!
Paul Chapin, Head of School