Annual Holiday Concert before a crowded Grace Episcopal Church
December 17.
The combined choruses, Apprentice, Concert and Alumni along with the chamber orchestera.
With an enthusiastic gathering of parents, graduates, teachers and friends of the Newark Boys Chorus School, everyone enjoyed the annual Holiday Concert showing their appreciation with three standing ovations. Grace Episcopal Church on Broad Street came alive with the sounds of the season. The audience sang along with old favorites included as part of the Christmas Medley and became enthralled with the debut of Stephen Mager’s Tapestry of the Holy Birth especially arranged for our Concert Chorus. It represented a blend of the sacred and secular and a joyful celebration of ancient and new music. Everyone stood and joined the combined choruses with a moving rendition of Hark! The Herald Angels Sing. As the boys recessed down the main isle they were again met with a standing ovation and cheers from the audience.
Apprentice Chorus, third and fourth grade
As the evening unfolded family members used their iPhones to record the moment or moments when their sons and grandsons created a new level of musical excellence under the magnificent direction of Donald Morris, Music Director at the school. The evening began with the Apprentice Chorus, under the direction of Brian Harlow leading our third and fourth grade singers in classics including the Spanish-American folk song, A le Puerta del Cielo. This was followed by the Concert Chorus and their inspiring performance of traditional and classical holiday music. As the Chorus sang the Tapestry they were joined by a small chamber orchestra adding a rich musical addition to the performance. At the end of the evening the Alumni Chorus joined with the Apprentice and Concert Choruses for the finale.
Comments by our guests included:
“Congratulations on a wonderful concert tonight!! I loved it - what a great culmination of talent, energy, passion and care. It was a joy to listen to, and be part of the audience for. Thank you so much for inviting me..” commented Michael Sheetz, Assistant Musical Director at Musica Sacra, the premier professional vocal ensemble in NYC.
“This is always one of my favorite programs and tonight was no exception,” from Gwen Moten, representing the Mayor’s Office.
“It was a great evening. I was glad to be here and to hear the chorus in action. I had heard so much about them,” commented Charles Oakley, former New York Knick.
The NBCS Music Director summed it up best, “we can only hope that the boys recognize how important their music making is, to all who come out to hear and see them. This season has been particularly moving; bar none, at the end of every concert, audience members leave smiling, talking to the boys about the power of music (through their singing) to touch them, to move them, to remind them of beauty in this world. I thank everyone for their support.
Happy Holidays!